
{TVB} 究竟海有幾深 Lyrics & Eps 7-9 of The Rippling Blossom


夢要堅持 我總不後退
天闊宇宙 日出的暖光 折射心裏
心要跳動 就飛奔去追
覓到心靈 最相通伴侶
只要對住 什麼都覺得 有樂趣
究竟水裏邊 有幾深與淺
究竟心裏邊 有幾多理想 不改變
愛得起這天 記得起昨天
再可肩併肩 世間中探險
感覺像 第一天 又初見
但我堅持 永不倒下去
天要塌下 就將這被窩 蓋住心碎
總有未完 夢想可以追
讓我單純 投入在生活裏
歡笑眼淚 未改寫信心 愛下去

I love this song. :D It's been such a long time since I heard a TVB theme from Chilam. haha I've been playing it on repeat for a few days now. And darn, the MV got removed from YT. :(

Episode Thoughts

Episode 7 didn't really have anything interesting going on (imo), except I really like the Commoner's Handbook. lol So cute. :)

Episode 8
-Yay for Ying Jai and Sze Lung scene!
-Why can't Chi Hui just look happy when he gets points during the competition? Geez, is he so cocky and full of himself? 
-Why does that one man get to eat the food by himself? That's mean and unfair to the other people sitting next to him.
-Myolie did well in the graveyard scene, but where the heck did she get those flowers??

As for episode 9, I left it playing in the background while I was reading manga so I really have no idea what the heck went on. lol All I saw was the ending when Chi Hiu's hand got hurt.

PS: I want more Ken scenes! 

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